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⚙️ Configuration

Flexpilot supports multiple language model providers, offering support for Chat Models for conversational interactions and Completion Models for in-line code suggestions. Let’s dive into setting up your ideal Flexpilot configuration!

📌 Model Usage Locations

Flexpilot uses language models in specific locations to enhance your coding experience. Here are the available model usage locations:

💬 Chat Model

  • Chat Suggestions: Suggested follow-up questions in the chat panel.
  • Chat Title: Auto-generated summary titles for conversations.
  • Inline Chat: Contextual chat within an active file, allowing inline editing with custom instructions.
  • Panel Chat: The main chat panel on the side view.
  • Commit Message: Quick suggestions in the commit message input.

✍️ Completion Model

  • Inline Completion: Code completions as you type in the editor.

🆕 Add Model Configuration

  1. Open the Command Palette:
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Shift+P
    • macOS: Cmd+Shift+P
  2. Select "Flexpilot: Configure Language Model Provider" > "Add new configuration".
  3. Choose between Chat or Completion models and select your preferred provider (e.g., OpenAI, Google Gemini).
  4. Enter a Nickname to identify this configuration easily.
  5. Provide any required provider details, like the API key, Model name and so on.
  6. Set the Model Usage Locations (e.g., Chat Suggestions, Inline Chat).


    Select the checkbox to enable the model for all usages.

  7. Click OK to save your configuration.

🛠 Edit Model Configuration

  1. Open the Command Palette:
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Shift+P
    • macOS: Cmd+Shift+P
  2. Select "Flexpilot: Configure Language Model Provider".
  3. Hover over the configuration you want to edit and click the ⚙️ Gear icon.
  4. Modify any fields as needed and click OK to save changes.

🗑 Delete Model Configuration

  1. Open the Command Palette:
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Shift+P
    • macOS: Cmd+Shift+P
  2. Select "Flexpilot: Configure Language Model Provider".
  3. Hover over the configuration you wish to delete and click the 🗑️ Trash icon.
  4. Type the configuration’s nickname to confirm, then click OK to delete it.

🎯 Modify Usage Preferences

  1. Open the Command Palette:
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Shift+P
    • macOS: Cmd+Shift+P
  2. Select "Flexpilot: Configure Language Model Provider" > "Modify Preferences".
  3. Choose a location to update and select the model configuration nickname you wish to use.


If no valid configurations exist, you’ll see only the Disable option.

  1. You can enable a model by selecting its nickname or disable it as needed.

With these steps, you’re all set to customize Flexpilot to fit your coding style and workflow. Enjoy a smarter, faster coding experience! 🎉